. Just be love .
This painting was inspired by something my roommate heard from the singer Jason Mraz. She said in this interview of Mraz, he and a couple friends were getting a tattoo that said, "be love."
(the picture of the tattoos are above)
His reason behind it, though I can't find the exact quote anywhere is that basically everyone is looking for love or wanting love or showing love....
Maybe we should all just BE LOVE.
I just thought that was such a beautiful concept. If everyone just was love, it would cover all the bases and the world would be so much more..incredible.
I also just watched the movie "seven years in tibet," and feel a bit foolish that I didn't know that any of that was going on.
Thanks AP History.
The tibetians are such a loving culture, I loved the scene where the people are building a movie theater for the Dali Lama and they are pulling worms out of the dirt and blessing them and reburying them in a safer location. They believe in not inflicting any pain on any living thing, because that could essentially be your mother, from another life. I mean, it is worms.
It's just such a beautiful concept to just love everything.
Just exude love.
Just be love.