So this is a couple days late, but whatever. My best friend, Blair, is in town and I had to spend some serious love time with her. Not had to as in a chore, but had to for the sake of my own soul. We went to the beach with my mother, brother and Marilyn. Amazing time. "on the beach with your best friends," is the quote i have had taped on all my computers since I got my first one back when I was 18. This reminds me of when I am the happiest, and at the beach with Blair, i was truly happy. We played paddle ball for a while and were really good at it. Like really good. I love the sand on the gulf coast...well minus the shells everywhere that were probably beautiful at one time, are now broken and hurt my feet when i walk! Beauty is pain sometimes right! We went to Benedettos in Lutz and I had the most amazing meal of my entire life. Pollo Tuscany, in my belly. I paired it with an amazing Pinot noir, Frank Sinatra's mug shot (one of my favorite photos ever) next to me and a live piano performer was absolute nirvana.

Pollo Tuscany
Today is Easter and I am spending it alone in my apartment with a DVR full of shows for me (Real World, ANTM, Sober house, and LOST). I had a little mac and cheese and a sunny day on my body. Home is a far drive and I am trying to watch my cash money. I miss my dog terribly. My mom still has her kidnapped.
My wedding on Friday went well. The couple paid for full service coordinating, so we were there till midnight. I cried a couple times during it...I think when you are a coordinator and stop crying at the weddings you put some much into, it may be time to get out of the business. A wedding is such a huge life-changing event and we are invited to experience it. Epic. If you stop crying, you have lost your soul. I was really feeling, um well, vulnerable and a little sad, and the wonderful universe sent me one of the best compliments I have ever received.
"You are the type of girl a father prays his son brings home."
The groom's father told me this as I was lent rolling him and lining him up. It really couldn't have come at a better time. I don't care who you are, hearing a cello, violin and flute play "Everything I do, I do for you," it will tug at the heart you wear on your sleeve.
Just breathe.
I made a GREAT pesto pizza yesterday with fresh mozzarella slices on top of it. Should have taken a picture to post up here, but between alcohol and boys at the pool, it was gone before I could even think about it!